10 Basic Find Commands in Linux With Examples

basic find commands in linux

In this tutorial, we are going to explain the most used 10 find Commands in Linux with real examples.

Find command is one of the most used commands in Linux since with the find command we can easily locate files and folders on our server. The find command is executed with a couple of arguments and conditions that can easily locate files by users, groups, size, date and etc.

In this tutorial, we are going to use the latest Ubuntu 22.04 as OS, but you can choose any Linux distro to practice these examples by the “find” command. Let’s get started!

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Troubleshooting Common Website Issues on Linux Server

troubleshooting common website issues on linux server

In this tutorial, we are going to explain to you some steps on how to troubleshoot some common website issues on any Linux distribution.

On a Linux server with Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, or AlmaLinux OS can be hosted a variety of websites written in different languages such as PHP, Java, Python, etc. The main purpose of this tutorial is to be explained the common website issues that are related to the server and not to the language in which the website is written. That is why we are going to focus, on the issues related to the RAM of the server, Disk Usage, permission issues, DDoS attacks, database issues, DNS issues and etc.

The issues will be explained in different paragraphs and the possible solutions will be proposed as well. Let’s get started!

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How To Harden OpenSSH on Ubuntu 20.04

how to harden openssh on ubuntu 20.04

OpenSSH is one of the most popular tools that uses SSH protocol for secure system administration, file transfers, and other communication across the Internet. It is free and used by system administrators to manage remote systems. OpenSSH runs on port 22 and it is the first target of a hacker. So you may need to harden your OpenSSH server to protect it from hackers.

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