Guide to Testing an SSL Connection Using OpenSSL

Guide to testing an SSL Connection using OpenSSL

In this tutorial, we will provide helpful information about SSL certificates, SSL connections and testing an SSL connection using OpenSSL. The SSL certificates are necessary for domain names since they display essential information for verifying the website’s owner. It also encrypts the web traffic with SSL/TLS, including the public key, the certificate authority, and the associated subdomains. The traffic is through HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) when there is a valid SSL certificate, and this technology encrypts the data sent between a website and a browser. It prevents hackers from seeing or stealing any information, like personal data.

In the following paragraphs, we will proceed with the OpenSSL as software, how to install it, and how to test the SSL connections. Let’s get started!

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How to Host Your Own Website: Everything You Need to Know

How to Host Your Own Website: Everything You Need to Know

Most of us have considered having our website at one point or another, but what exactly does that entail? Where do you even begin to look at how to host your website? Simply put, you’ll need a great hosting provider, a domain name, and a content management system to start creating content. A hosting service … Read more

How to remove a directory in Linux

How to remove a directory in Linux

In this tutorial, we are going to explain how to remove a directory in Linux OS.

Removing directories in Linux is simple but important as it helps free up disk space on your server. System administrators, developers, and other Linux users remove directories according to their everyday needs. The removal can be done manually with a command on the command line, through the GUI of the control panel, or automatically through a script.

Below, we will show you how to remove the directory with real examples. Let’s get started!

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How to rename a file in Linux (using mv, rename, mmv)

How to rename files in Linux (using mv, rename, mmv)

This blog post teaches you how to rename a file in Linux using multiple methods and commands.

Renaming files is a widespread process in the workday of a system administrator, developer, or regular Linux user. Renaming helps us keep a copy of the files and temporarily use other names while working on the server. The Linux operating system offers renaming files or directories via GUI, but when we are using or working on a server where hosted websites are located, we need to know the most used commands for renaming.

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How To Harden OpenSSH on Ubuntu 20.04

how to harden openssh on ubuntu 20.04

OpenSSH is one of the most popular tools that uses SSH protocol for secure system administration, file transfers, and other communication across the Internet. It is free and used by system administrators to manage remote systems. OpenSSH runs on port 22 and it is the first target of a hacker. So you may need to harden your OpenSSH server to protect it from hackers.

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How to install YOURLS on Centos 7

How to install YOURLS on Centos 7

We’ll show you, How to install YOURLS on Centos 7. Your Own URL Shortener or simply YOURLS is very useful set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run your self-hosted URL shortening service. In this tutorial we will install and configure YOURLS on a CentOS 7 VPS with Apache web server, MariaDB and PHP, which is pretty fast and straightforward.

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How to Change WordPress Site URL

In this tutorial we are going to show you How to Change WordPress Site URL. WordPress site administrators every now and then need to move an existing site under a new domain name and the site may not work properly after the migration if the WordPress site URL is not updated to match the new domain name. In this tutorial we will show you few methods about how to change the site URL in WordPress on a Linux Virtual Private Server.

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